† Corresponding author. E-mail:
Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11372141 and 11472138), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, China (Grant No. 30919011258), and the Young Scientists Fund of the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province, China (Grant No. BK20190439).
Acoustic characteristics of pulse detonation engine (PDE) sound propagating in enclosed space are numerically and experimentally investigated. The finite element software LS-DYNA is utilized to numerically simulate the PDE sound propagating in enclosed space. Acoustic measurement systems are established for testing the PDE sound in enclosed space, and the time-frequency characteristics of PDE sound in enclosed space are reported in detail. The experimental results show that the sound waveform of PDE sound in enclosed space are quite different from those in open space, and the reflection and superposition of PDE sound on the walls of enclosed space results in the sound pressure oscillating obviously. It is found that the peak sound pressure level (PSPL) and overall sound pressure level (OASPL) of PDE sound in enclosed space are higher than those in open space and their difference increases with the rise of propagation distance. The results of the duration of PDE sound indicate that the A duration of PDE sound in enclosed space is higher than that in open space except at measuring points located at 2-m and 5-m while the B duration is higher at each of all measuring points. Results show that the enclosed space has a great influence on the acoustic characteristic of PDE sound. This research is helpful in performing PDE experiments in enclosed laboratories to prevent the PDE sound from affecting the safety of laboratory environment, equipment, and staffs.
The pulse detonation engine (PDE) has been recently recognized as an innovative propulsion technology that potentially provides significant advantages of high thermal cycle efficiency, mechanical simplicity, higher thrust-to-weight ratio, lower cost, and a wide working scope. Much progress has been made in many important performance aspects of PDE.[1] In order that the PDE can be successful commercially in serving as a propulsion system, the environmental influence of PDE should be considered as an important issue. In particular, most of the PDE experiments are now carried out in an enclosed space such as laboratory. The high power noise generated by PDE is harmful to the laboratory staff, experimental equipment and laboratory environment. However, relatively few work has been reported on PDE acoustics.
The preliminary studies provide an initial understanding of PDE acoustic behavior. Boesh et al.[2] measured the acoustic pressure downstream of a PDE along the tube axis direction. Results showed that the pressure time history and spectra of the exiting detonation waves were comparable to those obtained through ideal blast wave theory. Allgood et al.[3] investigated experimentally the acoustic behavior of PDE inside an anechoic chamber. Far-field acoustic directivity results were obtained, showing a strong variation of the overall sound pressure level (OASPL) with directivity angle. The upstream and sideline measurement angles showed a lower sound pressure level than the downstream angles. The effects of operating conditions including fill fraction, cycle frequency, and exhaust nozzle geometry on the acoustic behavior of PDE were also studied. The results showed an increase in OASPL with fill fraction and a logarithmic increase with PDE cycle frequency. The results also suggested that the acoustic levels were sensitive to both the nozzle length and area ratio. Shaw et al.[4] studied the acoustic environment of a PDE operating at 20 Hz or 40 Hz. The acoustic measurements were made near the exit of the tubes and extended up to a distance 12 feet away, and the results indicated that a very high level pulse was generated near the exit of the tubes but tended to decrease in amplitude fairly quickly with distance increasing since the higher frequency energy dissipates in the atmosphere. Radial decay data would be useful in evaluating the accuracy of PDE sound prediction schemes. Glaser et al.[5] explored the effect of the major operating parameters and exhaust exit geometries on the acoustic signature of PDE. The results showed that acoustic level increases with both fill fraction and equivalence ratio increasing and the OASPL increases logarithmically in the OASPL with operating frequency increasing. The acoustic signature of a PDE can be significantly changed by modifying the tube exit geometry. Attenuation levels of 6.5 dB were observed under certain conditions. Further investigation results have been presented by Glaser et al.[6] The obtained results showed that the shock wave speed quickly decays from detonation speeds present near the tube exit to sonic speed at a short distance away from the exit. It was found that the PDE generated pressure field was reasonably modeled by a theoretical point-source explosion. Caldwell et al.[7] quantitatively evaluated the far-field acoustics of a dual-pulse detonation engine system and compared the far-field acoustics of a dual-pulse detonation engine system with that of a single-PDE system. The direct comparison showed that the addition of a second PDE firing at the same frequency as the frequency at whch a single PDE fires, results in an increase in the OASPL by about 3 dB. Zheng et al.[8] investigated the noise radiation characteristics of PDE and HPDE under several operating frequencies. The results showed that the sound pressure level of HPDE is about 4 dB less than that of PDE, and that the impulse sound pressure level reduces about 2 dB. Xu et al.[9–13] studied the formation and propagation process of PDE sound by combing the experimental method and numerical method. The results showed that the detonation peak noise is proportional to −3 power of the radial distance in near-field. The effects of different tubes and loading conditions on PDE sound were studied. The results showed that the convergent-divergent nozzle has the most significant influence on PDE sound to reduce the noise amplitude by 77.13% in 0° direction at 3000 mm. With increasing the fill fraction of PDE, the amplitude of shock noise and jet noise increase while the amplitude ratio of jet noise to shock noise decreases. Huang et al.[14–16] numerically and experimentally explored the mechanism of noise propagation out of PDE. The propagation region was divided into three subregions, which are strongly nonlinear subregion, weak nonlinear subregion and linear subregion. The calculated results showed that the largest rate of decay is 33 dB/m in the strongly nonlinear subregion while the least rate of decay is 1.02 dB/m in the weak nonlinear subregion. The noise characteristics of a dual-tube PDE system and three-tube system were experimentally investigated. The results showed that the directivity of dual-tube PDE sound is different at a different propagation distance. The highest PDE sound pressure appeared in 0° direction around PDE exit and it appeared in 30° direction in the region more than 2 m away from tube exit while the directivity of three-tube PDE kept unchanged in 30° at various radial distances. Kang et al.[17] investigated the acoustic characteristics of a PDE with and without an ellipsoidal reflector. The experimental results showed that the ellipsoidal reflector can realize the shock wave noise and jet noise focusing well, and create a focal zone on the PDE axis with very high pressure, and obviously slow down the pressure attenuation along the distance and over time in the downstream direction. The maximum relative increase ratio of PSPL and OASPL are obtained at focus point F2 of the ellipsoidal reflector, whose values are 6.1% and 6.84% respectively. The greatest PSPL of PDE sound appears at a directivity angle of 20° while it changes to 0° directivity angle under the installation of the reflector.
In this study, experimental investigation is performed on a PDE in enclosed laboratory with long distance on a spatial scale. The acoustic characteristics of PDE sound including time-frequency characteristics, peak sound pressure level (PSPL), overall sound pressure level (OASPL) and duration are analyzed. It is found that the acoustic characteristics of PDE sound in enclosed space are quite different from those in open space.
In order to explore the detonation acoustic characteristic of PDE in enclosed space, the experimental system was set up as shown in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of experimental setup. 1: Data acquisition system, 2: A/D converter, 3: acoustic transducer, 4: pressure transducer, 5: spark plug, 6: ignition control system. |
In order to compare the acoustic characteristics of PDE sound in enclosed space with that in open space, the same experimental system was also constructed in the open space.
The laboratory is a long, straight enclosed space with rough walls which are covered with sound-absorbing materials. Figure
The physical process involved in the formation of gas – liquid two-phase detonation was especially complicated. This paper focuses on exploring the acoustic characteristics propagating of PDE sound in enclosed space. Therefore, the following assumptions were made in the establishment of the computational model. Firstly, the pressure waveform measured at the PDE exit was similar to the pressure waveform obtained by point explosion, which can be effectively loaded in the finite element software LS-DYNA. Then PDE sound source was equivalent to the point explosion source without considering the influence of the geometry or the size of PDE exit on the detonation wave propagation.
According to the explosion theory, the relationship between explosive charge mass M (in unit g) and shock wave energy E (in unit J) is expressed as
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The shock wave energy E is related to the volume of PDE VPDE, the combustion enthalpy of the reactants detonated, and the operating fill-fraction f f by
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In the calculation, the fuel gasoline was replaced by n-octane, of which the combustion enthalpy was 44425 kJ/kg. The volume of PDE was 0.015 m3, and the fill-fraction of fuel and oxidizer was 1. The calculation result of shock wave energy of PDE is 7740 kJ which converts into the mass of explosive charge, 1858 g. The explosive charge with density of 1.63 × 10−3 g/mm3 was selected for computation, and the corresponding volume was 1.149 × 106 mm3.
The arbitrary Lagrange–Euler (ALE) approach was used in the simulation and LS-DYNA used a coupled method for obtaining an optimal numerical results. In the numerical model, the explosive charge was typically modeled by using the Jones–Wilkins–Lee (JWL) equation of state (EOS), which modeled the pressure generated from the chemical energy in an explosion. It could be expressed as follows:
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where p is the hydrostatic pressure, V is the specific volume, E is the specific internal energy, and A, B, R1, R2, and ω are the material parameters. In this study, the parameters in Eq. (
![]() | Table 1. Parameters of explosive charge and JWL EOS (in cm-g-μs). . |
Air was assumed to be an ideal gas that is able to satisfy the EOS. The pressure related to the energy could be expressed as follows:
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where γ is a constant, ρ is the air density, and e is the specific internal energy. In this study, the parameters in Eq. (
![]() | Table 2. Parameters in EOS of air (in cm-g-μs). . |
The geometry of the computational domain was half the experimental space due to the symmetry of the enclosed space. The centroid of explosive charge was set to be at the position of PDE tube exit. The symmetrical boundary condition was set to be in the x–z plane, and the rigid boundaries were used for the walls for ignoring the absorption of explosion energy.
In the near region away from the explosion source, the wave front extends outwards in different shapes. With the increase of time, the shock wave gradually changes into a spherical wave propagating along the axial direction and radial direction of the enclosed space. The first reflection occurs at the bottom wall because the distance from the center of the explosive charge to the bottom wall is the shortest. The shock wave is strengthened after reflecting by the wall and the propagation speed of the shock wave near the bottom wall is higher than that near the top wall. The reflected shock wave starts to catch up with the direct shock wave propagating to the top wall. The new reflection is produced when the shock wave arrives at the top wall. The reflected wave from the bottom wall is superposed with it, generating a new shock wave propagating to the bottom wall. When it arrives at the bottom wall, it will reflect again and multiple reflected wave effect will occur. The identical phenomenon occurs when the direct wave arrives at other walls. The direct wave and reflected wave also propagate along the axial direction of the enclosed space in the reflection and superposing process, and gradually attenuate with the increase of propagation distance, and finally form a stable plane wave to propagate forward.
The PDE sound mainly comes from two sources, i.e., the noise associated with the high-speed shock wave and the jet noise produced during the blowdown of the hot detonation products. When the detonation wave leaves the exit of the detonation tube, it quickly degenerates into a bow shock. With the propagation of the shock wave, it is attenuated into the shock noise. Subsequently, the high-pressure detonation products in the detonation wake expand rapidly out of the PDE tube in a spherical manner. The interaction between surrounding atmospheres forms a jet shock wave. The jet noise consists of the jet shock noise caused by the jet shock wave degradation and turbulent noise generated by the hot jet (see Fig.
![]() | Fig. 4. Schematic diagram of PDE sound.[2] |
The repeatability tests are performed and a typical far-field PDE sound waveform in enclosed space is selected for analyses. Figure
![]() | Fig. 5. (a) Sound waveform of PDE operating at 5 Hz in enclosed space. (b) Single impulse sound waveform of PDE in enclosed space. |
![]() | Fig. 6. PDE sound waveform at 20 m. (a) Sound waveform of PDE operating at 5 Hz in open space. (b) Single impulse sound waveform of PDE in open space. |
To explore the PDE sound waveform at different propagation distances in enclosed space, PDE sounds respectively at the positions 2 m, 5 m, 10 m, 20 m, 50 m, 80 m away from the PDE exit which are marked from TPe1 to TPe6 in proper order are experimentally investigated. Figure
PDE sound is composed of sounds with different intensities and frequencies. The energy distribution in each frequency band of PDE sound is also different. The time domain signal of PDE sound at 20 m in the enclosed space is transformed by FFT method and the spectrum diagram is shown in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 8. Logarithmic acoustic spectrum of PDE sound at 20 m: (a) acoustic spectrum of PDE sound in enclosed space, (b) acoustic spectrum of PDE sound in open space. |
The frequency domain characteristics of PDE sound at each testing point are substantially identical except the peak frequency. Figure
Hearing impairment and loudness are both related to the energy of impulse noise. When evaluating the energy of impulse noise, the effective duration and the amplitude of sound pressure are equally important. Thus, the duration becomes another important physical characteristic. Two types of durations are commonly used to assess impulse noise, i.e., A duration (t+) and B duration (tb). The A duration is the time taken for the initial or principal pressure wave to rise to its positive peak and return momentarily to ambient pressure. The B duration is the total time taken for the envelope of the pressure fluctuations (positive and negative) to be within 20 dB of the peak pressure level.[18] Referring to the definition of impulse noise duration, the A duration and B duration of PDE sound are investigated in this research.
As shown in Fig.
The values of A duration and B duration of PDE sound at different propagation distances are shown in Figs.
As shown in Fig.
It is noticed that there are two important acoustic parameters for various types of impulse noise, i.e., peak sound pressure level (PSPL) and overall sound pressure level (OASPL), the former is universally considered as the most critical factor for noise-induced hearing loss of human and defined as
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In formula (5), Ppeak is the peak sound pressure of impulse noise and P0 is the baseline sound pressure which equals 2 × 10−5 Pa.
The latter (OASPL) is defined as
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In formula (6), PRMS is the effective sound pressure of impulse noise and is equal to
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The OASPL presents an amount of noise radiation energy which is also an important factor for destroying the human hearing.
Comparing Fig.
In this work, the acoustic characteristics of PDE sound propagating in enclosed space are numerically and experimentally investigated. The PDE sound is essentially produced through two sources: noise associated with shock wave and jet noise produced during the blowdown of the detonation products. The computational results clearly demonstrate the reflection and superposition process of PDE sound on the walls. The experimental results show that the acoustic characteristics of PDE sound in enclosed space are quite different from those in open space. Due to the reflection and superposition of PDE sound on the walls of enclosed space, the PDE sound waveform oscillates obviously, and in the area near the exit of PDE, the sound pressure of direct noise is less than that of reflected noise. The peak sound pressure level and overall sound pressure level of PDE sound in enclosed space are higher than those in open space. And the difference between the peak sound pressure level and overall sound pressure level of PDE sound in enclosed space increases with the rise of the propagation distance. The peak sound pressure level and overall sound pressure level of PDE sound change in the same rule that the peak sound pressure level and overall sound pressure level decrease rapidly in the area near PDE exit and the attenuation rate slows down with the increase of propagation distance. The A duration of PDE sound in enclosed space is higher than that in open space except at 2-m and 5-m measuring points. The B duration of PDE sound in enclosed space is higher than that in open space at all measuring points, and the B duration of PDE sound in enclosed space sustains the whole PDE sound period at the measuring points at the position 5 m away due to the intense pressure oscillation results from the reflection and superposition of PDE sound on the walls.
This study elaborates the acoustic characteristics of PDE sound propagating in enclosed space, which can guide the experimenters who carry out PDE experiments in the enclosed laboratory to prevent and control PDE sound. In order to avoid damaging the laboratory staffs and experimental instruments by the high intensity and long duration of PDE sound, it is suggested that the walls of the laboratory should be covered with sound-absorbing materials and the experimental equipment which are sensitive to vibration, noise and high temperature should be avoided being placed at the downstream of PDE exit. And most importantly, the experimenters are required to wear hearing protectors during the experiment.
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